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The current collection... As of a couple weeks ago. |
I used to be able to write during work, but an increase in responsibilities means I'm mostly swamped and then pretty beat afterwards.
But there's a new area I'd like to explore, and see where it takes me.
Over the past couple years, I've really gotten into hobby board gaming. Games like Dead of Winter, Twilight Imperium, Fury of Dracula, and many more have been added to my collection over time, and I'm always looking for more.
Few games, however, have caught my attention like Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars miniature offerings. I've become a prolific X-Wing collector, have recruited my brother into the fold, and we both attend local and not-so-local tournaments... And we do alright (my brother took 1st and I took 3rd at a recent local-ish event). I'm building up an Armada collection as well, though suspect it will be some time before I find a regular group. I'm also getting ready to launch an Imperial Assault campaign/find some time for the skirmish game.
Coming from all of these, I'm going to re-tool the blog a bit. Eventually, this will bleed into a design change, to make a bit more sense out of things. For now, expect to see X-Wing reports/articles, board game reviews, and maybe a couple of Game Night reports. Who knows.
Assisting me will be another avenue that's surprisingly caught my interest -- Instagram. I'm not popular or anything, but I do enjoy snapping shots of games and other things and throwing them up there. I'll be using these pictures to accompany my new posts... as you may have already noticed!
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